Proper Assistance And Guidance By Professionals Of Body Care & Cure

      Although I was always aware of the fact that my body was underweight but I never paid any attention to it until my body started feeling tired and weak even after doing little amount of work. So after this I started to consult my ‘this’ problem with a nutritionist.

I wanted to take proper care of it as it’s really frustrating if your body at age of 25 represents a body of a person of mere 17-18 age. To cure my underweight problem I looked for a nutritionist who can guide me best to cure this problem.

I was relieved when I come across a nutritionist at Body care and cure she guided me to have a healthy and balanced diet. Best dietitian in Lucknow guided me to have my meals in small portions but more frequently. She suggested me that I should have my meals in five to six small portions rather than in three large portions in a day. Dietitian instructed me to have nutrients rich products such as fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, etc. Professional of unisex salon in Lucknow guided to include more nutrients in my diet by adding smoothies and shakes. She also tells me to join body care and cure’s fitness classes and include exercise in my daily routine so as to strengthen my body and enhance its ability.

I really had a satisfying experience at body care & cure as my problem was really gone and I was full with confident after taking the treatment by the dietitian of Body care & cure.


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